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Philadelphia International Flower Show

6 posts

Free Movie Ticket Giveaway & Bethenny Frankel Invades the Flower Show – Link Roundup

Free Movie Tickets because we love you! We have 5 pairs of tickets to giveaway to the Thursday, March 22nd 7:30 PM screening of feature film Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (starring Ewan McGregor & Emily Blunt, by screenwriter of Slumdog Millionaire) at the AMC Waterfront.   Based on a novel, Salmon Fishing is about a sheik who wants to bring fly-fishing to a desert environment.  Want to win tickets?  Simply leave a comment on this post about why you want to see the film. As for what you missed this week:
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Philadelphia Flower Show 2012: Hawaiian Photos & Sneak Preview!

Last night, I visited the Philadelphia International Flower Show Media preview to check out Hawaii: Islands of Aloha, our theme for 2012. Once again, I was blown away by the displays that all perfectly embodied Hawaii... Although I haven't been to the islands for 20 years (true story), I was transported as soon as the orchid lei was placed around my neck.  The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society implemented a setup with incredible scenes, design & an authenticity which will impress all attendees, both old & new. One of the most impressive changes is spreading out the main displays across the Convention Center Floor (versus in previous years, the displays are typically all on the east side of the room bunched together.)  Also, the marketplace is rearranged from east-west (vs North-South Lanes), which will definitely give Flower Show attendees more space to move around and not bump into the usual crowds. The moment you walk into the showroom, digital waves with turtles, surfers, schools of fish & other marine life lead you into the various displays... (See tons of pictures & more of the sneak peek, after the jump!)
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Philadelphia Flower Show Animals Decorate Ben Franklin Parkway

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society recently decorated the Benjamin Franklin Parkway with Carousel animals that starred in the 2011 Philadelphia International Flower Show. 9 creatures – including a peacock, camel, rabbit, snail, butterfly, dragonfly, and unicorn; were created with brought to life with a variety of plant materials - primarily with moss and coconut bark – for their re-animation that would (find out more, after the jump!)
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Philadelphia Flower Show: Urban Graffiti Shadow Art by Michael Bruce

We're intoxicated with the Philadelphia International Flower Show this week and have a mini-series on Green Philly Blog about lectures and more! Our journey with fresh floral smells continues today... As I mentioned in my Flower Show Preview, the Urban Graffiti Shadow Art by Michael Bruce Florist in Collingswood, NJ, may be one of my favorite exhibits. The spotlights and area is a lot to take in. When you first approach the scene, the miscellaneous items throw you off: And then you see trash compiled together to sort of make an image (continue for the journey, after the jump!):
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Philadelphia Flower Show: Lectures & Greensource

Another added benefit of attending the Philadelphia International Flower Show is a variety of lectures on horticulture, gardening and landscape design. Free lectures, presentations & demos will provide cutting-edge techniques & instructions for urban agriculture, green roofs, eco-friendly design and sustainable gardening. Greenies will enjoy a lecture series, “Greensource,” that feature nationally renowned designers. Speakers for the free programs (Mon-Fri @ 1 PM) include (find out who, including for a house we all recognize and various programs to check out after the jump!)
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PHS Fall Garden Festival: Seasonal Feast for the Senses

Got a green thumb? Gardeners of all levels should soak up the plants, gardening tips and all things green at the Free Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) Fall Gardening Festival on Saturday, Sept. 11, 11 AM-4 PM at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. The free festival will showcase PHS’s special programs for homeowners and gardeners, as well as food, live music, plant sales and demonstration. Highlights of the day include:
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