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6 posts

Princess and the Frogs Tea Party

Princesses, Princes, and Frog Lovers of all ages are cordially invited to Riverbend’s Tea Party. Dress your best and enjoy an afternoon that’s all about amphibians: stories, crafts, and an animal encounter with Riverbend’s Green Tree Frog ambassadors. Guests will...
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SBN 2023 Holiday Party

SBN’s annual Holiday Party is the premier event for local, values-driven businesses, allies, and supporters throughout Greater Philadelphia to celebrate the holidays, the successes of the year behind us, and what lies ahead for our community. Join us and connect...
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Roaring Twenties Soirée for Rivers

Put on your best Gatsby attire and join Stroud™ Water Research Center in Philly on September 16 for a 1920s cocktail party to preserve clean fresh water.   The Roaring Twenties Soirée for Rivers will offer small bites, a signature...
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Environmental Artist Party

Are you an artist working with environmental themes? The Schuylkill Center is building a network of artists through periodic casual gatherings that give artists the opportunity to connect with each other as well as potential collaborators in other disciplines. The...
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How to Host a Grilled Cheese Party

Friends, a momentous event occurred this past weekend. I'm not talking about the Olympics. Or Broad Street Run bibs announced. I'm talkin' Grilled Cheese Party. A simple idea inspired by MNN, we temporarily escaped from this wintery, snowy with an impromptu grilled cheese party?
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