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5 posts

Ocean Climate Action Capitol Hill Lobby Day April 14, 2021

In what is expected to be the largest ocean lobby in U.S. history, the Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP) coalition, with key supporters including Climate Envoy John Kerry, Climate Activist and Actor Jane Fonda, founder of the environmental justice movement Dr. Robert Bullard, Indigenous groups, industry...
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Shored Up Screening and Q&A with Ben Kalina

As we’ve seen with the extreme heat and flooding this month, climate change is already taking its toll on Southeastern PA. As the earth continues to warm, Philadelphia will face many adverse impacts, including rising sea levels that threaten our...
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Spicy Shrimp Tacos Recipe

Summer is officially here! Beaches, Fourth of July, Barbecues, Swimming, Tacos… Yes, tacos! Something about tacos puts me in a relaxed mood. (Or maybe it’s the margarita that I sip on while I make a batch…) Tacos are a spicy, flavorful meal; plus they’re super easy to make with a few ingredients from your CSA. I prefer shrimp tacos because of the high protein, low fat, and digestibility. It’s also chalked full of GOOD fats, like monounsaturated or omegas also found in avocados, olive oil and walnuts. It’s also great for those who aren’t ready to be totally meat-free yet.
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Health & Beauty

Seafood Dirty Dozen – What should you be avoiding?

Sustainability is about what we're shoving into our mouths as much as recycling & reducing your waste. You're probably aware of the Dirty Dozen - produce you should be purchasing organic because of pesticides in conventional varieties.  Hopefully you've cut back on seafood since overfishing is a critical problem of our oceans... and fish farms aren't exactly a great solution either. However, if you're going to splurge on a fish selection - What should you avoid? Here's the list according to Food & Water Watch:
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Overfishing: Another Ocean Danger for Animal Conservation Week

This post continues our Animal Conservation Week, to highlight animals in danger & steps you can take to help! As we continue Shark Week, shark preservation highlights another problem we're facing in the ocean: Overfishing. 70% of the world's fisheries are fully or overly exploited, depleted or in a state of collapse. That's a scary statistic since previously 'common' fish like Bluefin tuna & Atlantic salmon are severely overfished and (learn more, after the jump!)
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