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11 posts

The Cove Review: Documentary of Taiji's Secret

Looking for an informative but interesting flick? Sundance winner The Cove offers summer entertainment plus lots of suspense - while informing the public about a "secret" that's purely disturbing. Every year in Taiji, Japan, 23,000 dolphins are slaughtered in a cove for their meat. Former dolphin trainer Ric O'Barry is at the forefront of uncovering Taiji's hunt to the public. But is this practice a cultural difference, or just plain wrong? Here's a trailer:
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Looking for a good Friday the 13th scare?

Looking for a spook on this Friday the 13th? I've found the scariest of them all. The Eleventh Hour, narrated by Leonard DiCaprio, gives a gripping view on the current climate crisis, packed with expert opinions ranging from Stephan Hawking to NASA, NRDC, James Woolsey and many more activists. The film analyzes the evolution of global warming, citing the impact from humans - our population evolving at rapid speeds, consuming massive resources, money driven societies, and culture. If we keep going at this current rate, we may lose 1/3 - 1/2 species in the world since 50-55,000 species become extinct each year. While many have the brain power to solve this problem, it's been greatly delayed...
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Green Philly

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