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4 posts
Health & Beauty

10 Simple Ways to Get Healthy on a Budget

Many reasons to live sustainably ultimately benefit one person: you. What's one of the best parts of joining a local CSA? Fresh, delicious veggies and fruit. Like seriously, better than you've ever had before. Although I certainly avoid preaching to the crowd, my body got out of whack lately between traveling, getting sick and work. After seeing some not-so-flattering photos of myself, I decided to do a mini detox. Kicking back into a healthier version of you doesn't require a juice detox or lots of cash. There's a few simple ways to detox - all cheap, easy and locally. Here's 10 Ways to Get Healthy & Detox on a budget:
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9 Low Cost & FREE Workouts in Philadelphia

May is finally here! The sun is shining, birds are singing and more skin is showing.  With Memorial Day is right around the corner, are you ready to bare it in your itty bitty bikini and board shorts? If you’re bummed about pigging out on that last pint of Ben and Jerry’s, don't fear: there’s still time to get in shape fast and FREE in Philadelphia. Whether you’re looking for a mind and body workout or a high-impact calorie burner, there’s plenty of low cost options for you. Click through for 9 options!
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