March Against Monsanto Philadelphia
Disgusted by GMOs? Uh, who isn’t right? The “frankenfood” found in supermarkets these days is downright scary. Well, one month from today you’ll have a chance to publicly show your opposition. March Against Monsanto Philadelphia takes place on SaturdayOctober 12th at 2pm.
The March Against Monsanto group advocates labeling GMO foods as such. Monsanto (and the FDA) maintain labeling food that contains genetically modified ingredients isn’t necessary. And the public is forced to ask why? What are they so afraid of? After researching and reading about GMOs for the past few years I must say ignorance is not bliss, my friends. We likely all feel a little overwhelmed trying to keep up with the food that has been altered in a lab. It sucks giving up our favorite brand of veggie burgers or yogurt but the nasty consequences and side effects aren’t worth it…
Fifty countries including Italy, France and Germany have banned or restricted GMO use. Meanwhile the US doesn’t even require GMO labeling. Again, why is biotech giant Monsanto afraid to label their modifications if they are so safe?
If this issue gets you even a smidgen riled up take to the street on October 12th – 2pm at Independence Mall. urth
Check out this clip from May’s March Against Monsanto Philadelphia.
Hungry for more? Here are some tips on how to avoid GMOs in your food.