SPARC Sustainable Food Week Starts Today!
Love food? Hungry?
This week’s perfect for you.
SPARC (The Sustainable Philadelphia Alliance of Regional Campuses) was launched in January 2014 to promote collaboration among sustainability groups from Philadelphia-area colleges and universities. And they decided to make this week all about food. As they said on their FB page,
“The goal of SPARC Food Week is to bring together students and professionals from the Philadelphia area who are passionate about the intersection between food and sustainability. SPARC is excited to partner with student groups and Philly-based organizations to increase awareness and knowledge of sustainability issues and initiatives in food. We hope that the first annual food week event is to bring together students to inspire them to create even more positive change on their campuses and in Philadelphia. ”
SPARC Sustainable Food Week events include:
Find a complete listing of events (and how to register for them) on SPARC’s website.