Looking for a good Friday the 13th scare?
Looking for a spook on this Friday the 13th? I’ve found the scariest of them all.
The Eleventh Hour, narrated by Leonard DiCaprio, gives a gripping view on the current climate crisis, packed with expert opinions ranging from Stephan Hawking to NASA, NRDC, James Woolsey and many more activists. The film analyzes the evolution of global warming, citing the impact from humans – our population evolving at rapid speeds, consuming massive resources, money driven societies, and culture. If we keep going at this current rate, we may lose 1/3 – 1/2 species in the world since 50-55,000 species become extinct each year. While many have the brain power to solve this problem, it’s been greatly delayed…
How? The film blames red tape of past politics hindering green investments. (Unfortunately, political leaders are more responsive to wealth and corporate power rather than long-term goals.) For example, Exxon Mobil has more money than the SUM of all auto makers of the world combined. Ever check lobbying dollars for government leaders or who’s funding their campaigns? According to Opensecrets.org, the Oil & Gas industry has contributed $109,059,133 in elections since 2000 to Republicans – possibly explaining an a lack of environmental-sound decisions.
Have you seen the ads lately from the Oil industry, claiming we can invest in “clean” natural gas & fuel? They’re trying to persuade the viewer that you can pump money into the economy through oil. Seriously? According to James Woolsey, former CIA director & VP of Booz Allen Hamilton, the US borrows approximately $250 billion from the world each year for oil imports… which equals approximately 1 billion of US money every day to finance oil imports. Something seems a littlecontradictory here… Luckily, Obama & other current leaders are encouraging ‘the right way’ of investing into renewable & alternative resources.
The good news?
We can and are changing the outcome. The film gives great suggestions on how to create buildings modeled after natural objects. For example, buildings shaped like trees would absorb natural resources and emitting useful resources rather than big inputs with little output. We can use 90% less resources (reducing our carbon footprint by 90%!) than we are currently using today if we convert our ways. The Eleventh Hour gave many examples of modern technologies we’re capable of producing – the Bank of America Buildling in NYC is slated as the world’s most sustainable skyscraper under construction NYC.
My favorite environmental concept of the film? The film shows a dance club which operates from energy output from human movement – so when your busting those moves, you’ll actually be powering the building you’re partying in.
While you integrate eco-friendly ways into your daily habits, remember the most important one: Vote. Americans shop an average of 5 times per week, and you’re voting with each dollar you spend – telling retailers & companies which products you approve.
This Eleventh Hour quote is a great rebuttal to those disputing ‘climate change’: “At the end of the day, when we talk about saving the environment, in a way it’s misstated because the environment is going to survive. We’re the ones who may not survive or we may survive in a world we won’t want to live in.”
Posted by Julie