December 15, 2022
6:30 pm
It’s the annual season for gift giving and that time of year when the U.S. sees an almost 25% increase in waste. This is a bonanza for the packaging industry, a significant boost in demand for plastic products, and further rationale for the fossil fuel industry to continue fracking.
Join us virtually on Thursday, December 15, 6:30 – 8:00pm, for our next Philly Talks Trash Program, “
From Packaging to Pollution,” a discussion led by experts who will provide a detailed look at how the fossil fuel industry is responsible for the huge rise in plastic manufacturing. We’ll discuss how this intentional strategy has affected the products we buy and led to overwhelming amounts of pollution on the streets in our local communities and in our local waterways. With a problem at this scale, we need everyone to act.
From Packaging to Pollution”
will offer specific actions to address the flood of plastic pollution. Our main speaker is Christina Cilento from Break Free From Plastic discussing the historical context for how society became so entrenched in plastic and how that feeds into recent trends and the fossil fuel industries in Pennsylvania today. We will then hear from Meghan Schulz from the sustainability department of SEPTA and Jake Bransky, Aquatic Biologist, Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC). To close out the session we welcome Philadelphia entrepreneur Emily Rodia of Good Buy Supply to discuss plastic-free alternatives for everyday life.