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Articles Written by Grace Rieck

22 posts
Originally from Rochester, New York, Grace studies Communications at Saint Joseph’s University. Green from birth, she grew up wearing reusable cloth diapers and eating co-op vegetables. She's always been conscious of humanity’s impact on the environment. She hopes to eventually form a career as a way to advocate her ethical & sustainability principles.

Cloth vs. Not: The Diaper Debate

I was a cloth diaper baby! My mother believed in cloth diapers; in fact, she thought they were more environmentally friendly before we even talked about it. Although it cost more initially, cloth diapering for my siblings and me saved my parents money in the long run. My mother believed that it was her responsibility to reduce the family’s carbon footprint by living consciously. Back THEN, there was a constant debate and conflicting information about using cloth diapers.
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Roasted Spaghetti Squash, Tomato & Zucchini Recipe

Do you have local or CSA vegetables that you don’t know what to do with? Well, this yummy recipe is great for July because all the major ingredients are in their prime. I love squash, zucchini, and tomatoes because they are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Carotenoids, Lutein, and Beta-Carotene. Which means this dish is PERFECT to help you fend off cancer, heart disease, and the effect of aging (not that I need it just yet). It’s also a great, easy vegetarian meal to share with up to 4 people. Roasted Spaghetti Squash, Tomato & Zucchini Recipe:
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5 Fun Ways to Drink Water

I have a rocky relationship with water. I am often negligent and forget to drink water during the day, especially during the summer. I’ve even fainted a few times from dehydration and heat exhaustion. This didn’t mean I didn’t drink a lot during the day. I did. I just didn’t drink a lot of water. In recent years, I’ve fixed this problem by always having a reusable water bottle on hand and by sometimes drinking water substitutes. Water substitutes are a different way to look at water. As such, I have complied a list of five favorite fun ways to drink water. 5 Fun Ways to Drink Water this Summer:
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Spicy Shrimp Tacos Recipe

Summer is officially here! Beaches, Fourth of July, Barbecues, Swimming, Tacos… Yes, tacos! Something about tacos puts me in a relaxed mood. (Or maybe it’s the margarita that I sip on while I make a batch…) Tacos are a spicy, flavorful meal; plus they’re super easy to make with a few ingredients from your CSA. I prefer shrimp tacos because of the high protein, low fat, and digestibility. It’s also chalked full of GOOD fats, like monounsaturated or omegas also found in avocados, olive oil and walnuts. It’s also great for those who aren’t ready to be totally meat-free yet.
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