Flooded Schuylkill Bike Trail: Photo Friday
Remember all of that insane rain and flooding on Wednesday? That 7th worst in Philly history that competed with Superstorm Sandy? Yeah, that one.
For those Philly bike commuters, things got a little more complicated on Wednesday and Thursday morning:
That’s the Schuylkill Bike Path/River Trail that runs alongside of Center City. Here’s the view a from the overpass by Spruce. (I also usually check out the dogs playing on that bridge, but am assuming the doggies wouldn’t have been playing on Thursday. 🙁 Bummer.)
Members from my Facebook Women Bike Philadelphia group, lead by the Bicycle Coalition’s Katie Monroe, were quick to share photos of unbikeable paths. Kate Campbell was quick to post the update to forewarn cyclists on their commutes and it spurred tons of comments and additional photos.
And the view from the other side, looking towards Franklin Field & University City:
Michelle Sipics shot this view from Market Street, where the train tracks flooded as well. Insane, right?
Michelle updated the group when the waters started to recede yesterday afternoon. Isn’t the internet a lovely place to exchange real-time updates?
If you’re wondering if you can bike on over to the Schuylkill Trail today, good news: It’s muddy but back in business! Look at all those happy cyclists and runners.
Thanks to the awesome lady bikers of Philly for keeping us up to date on where it’s safe to bike. They also talk cycling events, safety tips and support each other in urban bicycling. If you’re a lady cyclist in Philly, join the Facebook discussions here!
Readers, do you have any experiences or photos from the insane flooding this week? Share with us in the comments and Facebook!
Photos: Kate Campbell & Michelle Sipics from the Women Bike PHL Facebook group.