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Philadelphia Parks & Recreation

20 posts

Celebrate Philly Love Your Park Week

May 12th -19th is Philly Love Your Park Week - a week dedicated to celebrating Philadelphia's park system. Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, the Fairmount Park Conservancy, and Pennslyvania Horticulture Society have joined forces to bring Philadelphians eight days of diverse park events. Out-of-towners may think of Philly as an urban jungle, but we're lucky to have over 100 area parks to meet and exceed our "great outdoors" quota. There's a laundry list of park events happening over the next week, read on for some of the highlights...
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Mayor Nutter Launches TreePhilly!

This week Mayor Nutter announced a new tree-giveaway program dubbed TreePhilly. Roughly 2,000 trees will be given to residents who commit to taking proper care of them. Philadelphia area residents will be given an opportunity to get involved with planting trees on both public and private property. The initiative is led by Philadelphia Parks & Recreation in partnership with the Fairmount Parks Conservancy and Wells Fargo. “TreePhilly is an investment in our city’s future,” said Mayor Nutter “Our city will be healthier, safer and more attractive as a result of...
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