Categories: EventsPhilly

Eco-Moms Alliance Event: Climate Change Forum – Eco Action in Chester County

Join the Eco-Moms Alliance of Chester County when they host Climate Change Forum on October 25th from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Eco-Moms Alliance mission: Eco-Moms Alliance of Chester County is a dedicated group of local moms that are taking action in their personal lives to reduce their impact on the environment. EMACC wants to help educate the community about the simple things that each person can do to help secure a safe and clean planet for our children.

Event details:  What can you do to stop climate change? Eco-Moms Alliance of Chester County bring together a Union of Concerned Scientists presenter, “green” business owners, candidates for Congress, and a speaker from Al Gore’s Climate Project to discuss the impacts and solutions of global warming here in Pennsylvania.

Featuring: James F. Thorne, Ph.D. presenting the Union of Concerned Scientist report “Climate Change in Pennsylvania: Impacts and Solutions for the Keystone State”, invited guests Rep. Jim Gerlach and Bob Roggio, and Richard Whiteford, a presenter with Al Gore’s The Climate Project

Where: Camphill Village Kimberton Hills 1601 Pughtown Road, Kimberton, PA 19442

For more details email

Posted by Beth

Beth Funari

Beth is a Health and Wellness expert who believes sustainability goes hand-in-hand with self care. She’s the girl whipping up kombucha cocktails at parties, and extolling the benefits of canning vegetables to anyone who will listen.

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