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Join us for sunrise on Petty’s for this 3-hour introduction to field and nature photography. We will explore some of our favorite places and show you some of the island’s hidden gems and unique features. If you have a telephoto lens, bring it! Petty’s Island offers a great variety of birds both in the forest and on the surrounding mud flats. Spectacular panoramic views of Philadelphia will round out the experience. This workshop includes hands-on, personalized instruction on photographic composition, optimum exposure, and many other topics to get you comfortable with your camera. This workshop is for camera users. If you simply want to enjoy a walk on the island kindly register for a History Hike or Birding Program. Children must be 12 and older to participate.
Effective June 4, 2021, fully vaccinated people may attend outdoor programs without masks. If you are unvaccinated, please mask up. Please do not come to a program if you are sick, have a sick family member or have reason to believe you may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus.
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